Daily Archives: November 3, 2012

Talks Nº 1 A succint history of the Internet (Elisabeth)

It’s a very succint summary of the history of the Internet. What’s the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? What do we call the idea that our world has become more and more” integrated” thanks to the

Talks Nº 1 A succint history of the Internet (Elisabeth)

It’s a very succint summary of the history of the Internet. What’s the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? What do we call the idea that our world has become more and more” integrated” thanks to the

Talks Nº 1 Internet Uses (Sandra)

Have a look at it and observe the main trends. Internet use by individuals, by type of activity What type of document is it? What do individuals use the Internet for the most? and the least? In which fields has

Talks Nº 1 Internet Uses (Sandra)

Have a look at it and observe the main trends. Internet use by individuals, by type of activity What type of document is it? What do individuals use the Internet for the most? and the least? In which fields has